How to Put Compression Socks On A Comprehensive Guide

Compression socks and compression stockings are specially designed garments that apply gentle pressure to your legs, helping to improve blood flow, reduce swelling, and alleviate leg pain. They are particularly helpful for individuals with poor blood flow, deep vein thrombosis, venous leg ulcers, and varicose veins. Wearing compression stockings can also prevent the formation of blood clots and improve circulation in people with various health conditions.

This article will guide you through putting on compression socks and stockings correctly.

Understanding Graduated Compression

Graduated compression is an essential feature of compression socks and stockings. It means that the compression is tighter at the foot and ankle and gradually decreases as the garment moves up your leg. This design helps to promote blood flow back toward the heart, reducing swelling and the risk of blood clots.

Preparing to Put on Compression Socks

wearing compression socks and relaxing

Before you start wearing compression stockings, ensure that you have the right size and type of garment prescribed by your doctor or family medicine specialist. Check for any damage or wear and tear, as it can impact the effectiveness of the compression sock. Here are some tips:

Choosing the Right Time to Put on Compression Socks

It’s best to wear compression socks in the morning when your legs are less swollen. This makes it easier to put them on and ensures that they will provide the most benefits throughout the day.

Sitting Down and Positioning Your Leg

Find a comfortable seated position before attempting to put on your compression stockings on your feet. Ensure your leg is clean and dry, and avoid applying any lotions or creams that may make it difficult for the stockings to slide on. You can use talcum powder to absorb moisture and create a smoother stocking surface if needed.

Turning the Compression Stocking Inside Out

Hold the top of the stocking with both hands and turn it inside out, stopping at the heel pocket. This will make putting on the compression sock easier and ensure a snug fit.

Putting on the Compression Sock: Foot and Ankle

Slide your foot into the stocking, making sure that the heel pocket is correctly aligned with your heel. Pull the stocking over your foot and ankle, ensuring it is positioned correctly and without any wrinkles.

Pulling the Compression Stocking Up Your Leg

Slowly roll or pull the stocking up your leg, adjusting the fit as you go. Be mindful of the increased pressure and avoid pulling too hard or fast, as this could damage the garment. Remember to smooth out any wrinkles or folds, ensuring the compression sock is sitting evenly on your leg.

Adjusting the Compression Stocking for Comfort

Once the compression sock is in place, check that it is not too tight or causing discomfort. You may need to adjust the fit by gently pulling or rolling the garment. If necessary, wearing gloves can provide a better grip and make it easier to adjust the stockings.

Caring for Your Compression Garments

To prolong the life of your compression stockings, hand wash them in lukewarm water using a mild detergent. Gently squeeze out any excess water and lay them flat to dry, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Apply the same technique for knee high compression socks.

When to Avoid Compression Stockings and Consult a Doctor

You should avoid compression stockings or consult your doctor before wearing them in certain situations. Compression garments may not be recommended if you have poor circulation due to peripheral artery disease, heart failure, or other medical conditions like having a blood clot, or restless sleep. Additionally, if you experience severe leg pain or discomfort while wearing compression stockings, seeking medical advice is essential. Ask for a healthwise staff medical review

The Benefits of Wearing Compression Socks and Stockings

Wearing compression garment socks and stockings can provide numerous benefits, including:

  • Improved blood flow and reduced swelling
  • Prevention of deep vein thrombosis and blood clots
  • Alleviation of leg pain and discomfort
  • Support for sports injuries and muscle recovery
  • Treatment of varicose veins and venous leg ulcers
  • Popular options for athletes especially for  basketball players and runners.
  • Compression socks keeps you warm especially when you have your winter jackets on!

Conclusion: Mastering the Art of Putting on Compression Socks

Putting on compression socks and stockings may seem challenging initially, but with practice, it will become a quick and easy part of your daily routine. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying the many benefits of wearing compression garments. Remember to consult your doctor or internal medicine specialist if you have any concerns or questions about using compression socks as part of your treatment plan.

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